"On Fairy Stories" - J. R. R. Tolkien
"On the Imagination and Its Function" - George MacDonald
"The Art of Shakespeare's Sonnets" - Helen Vendler
"The Teaching of Literature" (from Mystery and Manners) - Flannery O'Connor
"Introduction: The Comic Terrain" from The Terrain of Comedy by Louise Cowan
"Introduction: The Tragic Abyss" from The Tragic Abyss by Louise Cowan
"Introduction: Epic as Cosmopoesis" from The Epic Cosmos by Louise Cowen
"A Brief History of Education" from Psychology Today, 2008 - Peter Gray
"The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher" - John Taylor Gatto
"Narnia Invaded: How the New Films Subvert Lewis's Hierarchial World" - Dr. Steven Boyer