Nestled amongst nature and beauty, happy children are busy learning and creating. This magical place is Sundial Classical Farmstead, located in South Lansing, Michigan, and is the creation of Sarah Kwilinski, my guest on today's podcast. She has inspiring ideas and strategies to create a lovely space for anyone, even those with special needs, to be seen and to flourish.
Some of the things we talk about during our TRUE segment are the use of audio books, short lessons to avoid fatigue, setting up multi-age ability-based instructional groups, practicing talking less (ie. Masterly Inactivity), engaging in Picture Study and Narration to help develop the muscle of attention, and the benefits of inviting parents into the classroom. In our segment on the GOOD, Sarah shares about how she teaches Hospitality in the classroom and how that helps develop ideal relationships amongst people.
In our last segment on the BEAUTIFUL, Sarah explains how their program engages with the Fine, Common, and Performing Arts to round out an excellent Classical Liberal Arts program.
Some of our favorite resources are: